
Setting up Email Newsletters and Fixing Image Issues With Squarespace & Mailchimp

Setting up Email Newsletters and Fixing Image Issues With Squarespace & Mailchimp

Instructions on how to setup Squarespace Email Newsletters using Mailchimp.. It's a really important subject because you want your blog to have this feature, and even in 2015 this still requires you to overcome some fairly annoying obstacles. Squarespace now offers a lot of useful integration with Mailchimp, but fails horribly when it comes to images, resulting in broken layouts. I will show you how I fixed this using CSS.

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Backing Up: A Strategy Guide

Backing Up: A Strategy Guide

I've spent a significant amount of time thinking about backup strategies, so I thought I'd write a quick article to get you thinking about yours. I have a three tiered approach that addresses redundancy, granularity, backup speed, and restore speed.

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Setting Up a Website - Part 1 - Wordpress Isn't Just For Blogging Anymore

Setting Up a Website - Part 1 - Wordpress Isn't Just For Blogging Anymore

There are a lot of great avenues in social media hosting right now. Here are some of the major options and the path that led me to an independently hosted Wordpress platform. Let's start by dealing with how to determine the look and feel of your site.

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