I've spent a significant amount of time thinking about backup strategies, so I thought I'd write a quick article to get you thinking about yours. I have a three tiered approach that addresses redundancy, granularity, backup speed, and restore speed.
Lately I've been exposed (pun emphasized) to a lot of technical articles. I've noticed a lot of unacceptable noise in the shadow regions, which I've come to attribute to two factors: dynamic contrast features of the camera, combined with non-linear distribution of data in the histogram. The problem with dynamic contrast actually led me to discover the Expose to the Right technique.
If you want to capture drama in your landscapes, then go out after the rain has fallen. Clouds are key to a dramatic landscape, and they build up during a big storm.
There are a lot of great avenues in social media hosting right now. Here are some of the major options and the path that led me to an independently hosted Wordpress platform. Let's start by dealing with how to determine the look and feel of your site.